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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers

By Marie Roker | Date Submitted: 11/05/05

Keywords: prayer, God, spirituality

More Details about Prayer and God. here.

Summary: Praying is an interesting form of communication with God. It reflects how we relate to God and reveals a lot about our character.

"Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."- Leroy "Satchel" Paige

Praying is an interesting form of communication with God. It reflects how we relate to God and reveals a lot about our character. Those of us who pray to God have been guilty at one time or another of praying an emergency prayer. This is not the kind of prayer for when we have a true emergency, but the prayer to get out of a bind. It goes like this: "Hi God, Remember me. Yeah, it's been a long time. Listen, as you can see things are going that great. I would appreciate it if you can help me out of this situation. Thanks, I'll talk to you later. "

God comes through, and we sigh with relief and start to think of bigger request from what we consider to be our personal genie. We become more self centered and demanding. The prayer goes like this: "Dear God, Thanks for coming through on that last request. That was a close one. Now, I need more. You see my situation, come on look out for me. Talk to you later."

What happens when God doesn't come through this time. We get our request stamped Return to Sender. We begin to question if God was ever really in our corner and looking out for us. We start to question our faith. It is during these times that God examines our hearts to help us see who we really are and what we really need in our lives. We slowly begin to realize that our childish, selfish prayers were a one way conversation. We were willing to talk, but not willing to listen.

We realize that what we thought was a need was really a want, a desire. We start to identify what is important in our lives. We start to have gratitude for what we have. Our lives no longer center around what's missing from our lives, but what is flowing abundantly in our lives.

Our relationship with God changes as our prayers become more heartfelt and more sincere. The words we used to search for come naturally, because we chose to stay still and listen. The changes we wanted God to make in others become transformations in ourselves. We ask God to show us instead of trying to show Him. We begin to let go and let God.

We come to the realization that what we thought was an unanswered prayer was a true blessing.


Author's URL: http://www.smartbeecoaching.com

Marie Magdala Roker is a Personal Development Coach an Author of Successful Thinking for a Successful Life: How to Banish the Unhealthy Thoughts and Habits That Limit Your Success. Her Successful Thinkingâ„¢ program is an affordable coaching resource that offers support and encouragement when there are roadblocks to success. You can find out more about the program at http://www.thinkandbesuccessful.com or sign up for her free Be Inspired newsletter at http://www.smartbeecoaching.com<

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