A social entrepreneur is someone who identifies a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to create, organise, and manage a venture to make social change. A social entrepreneur measures success based on the impact on the society. While social entrepreneurs are often non-profit groups, the aim is to advance the social and environmental goals.
Often social entrepreneurs present new ideas that are user friendly and ethical, social and environmental problems. They typically get people support to implement and make a positive impact on the society.
Role of social entrepreneurs
Social entrepreneurs recognises the parts of society having difficulties, solves the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution, and persuading societies. Social entrepreneurs drive to produce measurable impact to address social and environmental problems that are often deep-seated.
• To make a positive impact on society:
Social entrepreneurs are similar to business entrepreneur in the society with a purpose for a social cause. Often, social entrepreneur need profit but emphasis is on the development of the society and in solving the problems in it. Finding the effects of social or environmental problem, finding root cause, and solving them becomes obvious to social entrepreneur.
• With focus on positive change:
Social entrepreneur focus on daunting social problems to make a positive change, further motivating common people to persuade the same. Corporate social entrepreneur can reap strategic benefits with a combination of commercial aims and social objectives.
• Rev up the social team:
While social entrepreneurs often work through nonprofits and citizen groups, many work in the private and governmental sectors. Social entrepreneurs work with local groups motivate them to pursue, and develop good solutions for their local communities as well as globally.
• In innovative and effective community building:
Distinct from business entrepreneurs who seek value in the creation of new markets, social entrepreneurs aim for value in the form of transformational change that will benefit underprivileged group of people and eventually society at large.
Social entrepreneur identifies fundamental social and environmental problems in the ever-changing society. They guide society through these turbulent times, to help the society.
Pioneers in social entrepreneurship, Kanchi utilises key tools for social change - business and media - to drive disability up the global agenda, raise disability awareness and to encourage society to think differently about disability. Kanchi launched the highly successful O2 ability awards in 2004 as a vehicle for engaging business leadership around the disability business case.
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